Wednesday, 20 October 2010

It's Wednesday...

And time for WOYWW.
I looked at this photo and even thought myself "How do I find anything on there?!!!"

Thanks for looking, even if it makes you go cross-eyed!



  1. Love your photo - it obviously shows a real crafter's desk!!

  2. Great desk darling and let me tell you Tidy is no fun !!! lol
    so I'm not one bit cross eyed !!! he he
    Have a fun day
    Hugs Susie xx

  3. Hey Helen, at least in all the creative chaos, I see you still manage to keep your stamp pads upside down. See, there is organization among the chaos. Happy WOYWW (no. 12).

  4. At least we know if we tidied ... we would never find a thing :0)
    This week I am link number 67 :0)

  5. Hi ya
    now thats what i call one busy desk, push back push back! lol,have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x(13)

  6. Yep its a mess..........but great fun. Annette x

  7. It looks exactly like my workspace two weeks ago, but guess what, I tidied up last week! It does feel great to have a clean desk, but on the other hand, sometimes it's even harder to find the stuff you cleared away ...#82

  8. now that is what I call a push back and shove hehe,love cheryl xxxx 25

  9. Looks gently stirred to me. And just think what inspiring treasures you can find at every turn.

  10. wow - very busy looking!!! my kind of crafting - its how my desk at work used to look too!

    Paula x x x (97)

  11. Oh, yeh!! I like that desk, it's just my kind of mess and I bet that mess was created by lots of lovely crafting!
    Well done and keep it up!
    JoZarty x

  12. What a busy desk! bet you create something fabulous - it was nice to meet you at Artisan. Thanks for sharing (no. 46)

  13. Lol, that is a sight for sore eyes! How do you find anything!!

    Brenda 87

  14. Great busy crafty space, loads to snoop!
    Happy woyww, (bit late)


  15. Helen, that's certainly one busy looking desk. As long as you can find things it doesn't matter what others think. I'm a newbie to the WOYWW so please be gentle with me!! Best wishes, Kym (No 42)

  16. Hi Helen, your desk looks so familiar, heaven. Okay so you can't find anything, that's alright you will eventually :0)xx
