This time I've made an exploding box out of an old cardboard box.
It didn't quite turn out as planned as I couldn't decide what to put in the middle as it needs to have an all round view if you get my drift! I'd already decided on the fir trees and the little houses, but the very centre was tricky! In the end I made a little gold Christmas tree by fringing some gold painted card and sticking it to a tiny cone.
This is the box from the outside:
And then from the inside:
I've used the tree and house stamps from CI-257. Hop on over to the Crafty Individuals blog to find details of the challenge!
Thanks for looking!
Absolutely wonderful Helen!
ReplyDeleteYou have been on such a brilliant creative roll this year, in Craft Stamper and with CI.
I have so much enjoyed everything you have made thank you so much for all the inspiration and visual treats you've given me this year.
Merry Christmas to you Helen and a very happy New Year,
looking forward to seeing what you make in 2012 :-)
It's just stunning.
ReplyDeleteWow Helen this is fab .u . lous amazing what one can do with a cardboard box...if you have your imagination rofl, absolutly love it!!
Soooo cool!
ReplyDeleteI've never tackled one of these. Will put on my list of 'must do' s.
xx Jo
What a tallent! I love this box Helen and its rustic feel, a fabulous piece of art work.
ReplyDeleteLynn x
I love your projects :) I "know" you from Craft Stamper and now I found you here. I am very happy to see more of you beautiful creations. Joanna