Thursday, 23 May 2013

Oriental Lynne Perrella...

In my previous post I said I was going to be demoing these new stamps at the Craft Barn Extravaganza along with Pebeo glass paints.
I've used the glass paints to colour in the background (the DD method - Dropping and Dabbing!) and then also used them to add highlights by painting on thicker.
Here's one of the samples I made:

It's great to have another way of adding colour to your project. You can actually 'colour in', as on the leaves here, by dropping on the paint with a cocktail stick and then drawing it out. Come along and see it all in the flesh.
There's going to be 25 demonstrators so there's something for everyone.

Thanks for looking!



  1. Really lovely. I'm not that keen on the new batch of Lynne Perrella stamps but this might change my mind!

  2. I wish we had these stamps when we did the class ;)
    only kidding, this colour scheme is lovely with those images.
    All set for the extravaganza then? Ill see you there.x

  3. Wow! Helen,
    ich liebe deine Arbeit. Sie ist wunderschön und sehr edel.
    Und deine Idee, alle Stempel zusammen zu setzen ist super.
    Es sieht fantastisch aus.

    Herzlichst Sophie xx
