Thursday, 5 September 2013

DecoArt Fabric Book...

I've been doing quite a lot of work with the DecoArt So Soft fabric paints and Ink Effects Transfer paints recently and have ended up with lots of different bits of painted calico lying around.
In the end I decided to make them up into a sort of sample book, otherwise, knowing me, they'd disappear under the mountain of stuff in my art room!
I've stuck it all onto some 8x8 Kraft card and bound with book rings to make it easy to add more pages.
The front cover is pretty random as you can see:

Those large letters are stamped with some of the old, large foam alphabets that you used to be able to buy at a very reasonable price, all in different fonts (can't remember the brand, threw the packaging away years ago, can just see the green 'm'):

This is stencilling, stamping and painting:

Stencilling and over stencilling in white:

The background here uses an Ink Effects leaf transfer, then stencilling, then stamping (love this set) and painting:

Painting, stamping, outline transfer, stencilling:

Painting, stamping, full stamp transfer, stencilling, blobby bits!!!

Another leaf transfer, detailed stamping and painting:

Straightforward stamping:

Lots of stenilling and bottle lid stamping with a zany bird transfer on top:

Here I stencilled the background and transferred a birdcage in black. That was a bit too dark, so I added white on top:

Three leaves stencilled onto calico and cut out:

You can see from this, how versatile these paints are.
All the stamps used here are from Kaisercraft, which, along with all the paints, are from The Craft Barn.

I'm going to be demoing these again at the Craft Barn on Saturday 2 November


  1. Beautiful work Helen, what a fab idea to keep all those samples together too!
    Hugs x

  2. Love these images and how they are presented Helen !
