Tuesday, 5 July 2016

No art room....

at the mo, so it's just as well I'm working in miniature!

My artroom (or what used to be the conservatory) is being rebuilt at the mo (rebuilt before it fell down - things were growing through the walls!) so all my mountains of stuff are piled up in the dining room. Theoretically I was going to work in there but as I only have about 6 inches square space and have to practically climb over everything to get anywhere it's proving impossible.

Luckily the Challenge over on the Crafty Individuals blog is art in miniature or 'Mini Masterpieces'(one of my favourite things) and I'd already made some, so here goes:

Here's a brooch made from a pendant frame:

And an inchie mini book with Stampbord covers:

Thanks for looking!



  1. Your miniature creations are beautiful, I love the pendant and the little inchie book is delightful. Hope you get your crafty space back soon!

  2. Stunning projects Helen. Beautifully made as always.

  3. Gorgeous little creations. I especially love the little inchie book xx
