I don't know where the week's gone - I seem to have blinked and it's Friday again! Actually I've been very busy - I got some new stamps from
Elusive Images to make up some samples with for shows on October 6th, so am trying to get going with those.
Also it's my brother's birthday very soon (the big 50) so am making him a special photo montage picture. As he lives in Singapore I've got to make it early and then figure out how to get it to him. My older brother is actually going to be visiting him on the great day as he's on a business trip out there, so has volunteered to take it. We were having a long chat about it, and he said 'oh yes A3 size, that's fine, even with a frame - I'll just take it on as hand luggage.' Anyway we arranged for him to come and pick it up the week before. Meanwhile I'm sitting there looking at this thing thinking , well it'll never fit in the overhead luggage on the plane and it suddenly dawned on me that of course it isn't A3, it's A2 - I've got the sizes muddled up! (And that's without a frame!) Haven't managed to get hold of him to tell him yet - so if you're reading this D..., now you know! don't know what I'm going to do now, but having started it, I'm going to get it out there somehow!
This is how far I've got: basically it's a snapshot of his , and our, lives. I've copied all the photos in black and white, cut them all out, stuck them down, sloshed on some Ecoline liquid watercolour inks and gone round the edges in black pen:

It's great if you can collage photos together like this one:

Here Phil's at the Great Wall of China and then I've added him, his wife Khim and my Mum sitting on the other end (they were actually at Chirk castle!)
To finish, and what makes it unique, I'm going to journal all around the photos with facts, anecdotes and funny stories - here are a couple of close-ups of some journalling I did on the one I made for my husband earlier this year:

It takes a long time, but it's worth it for a special occasion (anyway, they're only ever getting one!)
Better go and get on with it - I feel some funny stories coming on!
PS That's Monty (the springer cross) and Jack (the westie cross not too sure) by the way. Unfortunately Monty died a couple of years ago, mind you, he was 15 so had had a good life. Jack, now 7, continues to bark at us each and every day and wag his tail for England!